Bombarding Mrs.Yoshi’s Classroom

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  • The door leading to the classroom of Laurie Yoshihara, or as her students call her “Mrs. Yoshi.”

  • As students sit around having fun Mrs.Yoshi works on grading and lesson planning. Fortunately, Mrs.Yoshi’s planning period is first period and this is the reason that all of her past students and their friends are able to hang out in her classroom.

  • Mrs.Yoshi’s wall, or as she likes to call it, her “fridge.” Mrs. Yoshi likes to hang up things that her students give her and other things that are important such as the first aid kit and the off and away until I say sign.

  • As Cavelero student Devanie Fleming picks up the chair that she knocked over, Claire Reeder and Lillie Hiester who are also Cavelero students laugh as the chaos of the morning begins.

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Cavelero students enjoy Laurie Yoshihara’s company and she enjoys theirs. In the following photos you will see what happens when Mrs. Yoshihara lets her students come into her classroom before class to socialize and have fun.