The Biden Border Crisis

The Biden Border Crisis

Aden Cox

Recently the Biden administration’s open border policy has led to the “worst border crisis in American history” according to the Committee of Oversight and Accountability. There were also a  handful of border patrol chiefs who have testified on the crisis about how it has set records for the amount of arrests of illegal border crossers, migrant deaths, narcotics seized, and suspected terrorists arrested trying to illegally cross the border.

According to the U.S. Customs and Border ProtectionBy the hundreds of thousands, Central American families and children without their parents migrated to the southwest border. They were pushed by the threat of violence and by economic hardships. They were pulled in by the chance at a good job in a booming U.S. economy. They were lured by smugglers dangling a false promise that if they bring their children, they will get to stay in the U.S.

I believe that if we are to close our border down and mitigate and control whatwant is coming in and going out, this whole thing will be fixed. In simpler terms if Biden got rid of his open border policy, by doing this we would also fix the fentanyl crisis which is a massive problem in our communities right now. Congressman Dan Newhouse had looked at some shocking numbers and statistics and stated the following:, “To fully understand the severity of this crisis, we have only to look at the numbers. Since President Biden took office, there have been over 4.6 million illegal crossings of our southern border. Last month was the worst January on CBP record in over 20 years. For the 23rd month in a row, our southern border had more than 150,000 illegal crossings, with nearly 70% of these encounters being single adults. 

Another statement congressman Newhouse also connected issues at the border to made regarding the fentanyl crisis “One of the more shocking statistics is that over 1,400 pounds of fentanyl were seized just last month. To put this into perspective, a lethal dose of fentanyl is 2 milligrams. That means the equivalent of 317.5 million lethal doses of fentanyl—almost enough to kill every man, woman, and child in America—was being smuggled into our country in just one month. And those are just the drugs our border patrol agents found. This deadly drug is pouring into our communities and killing our families, our neighbors, and our children because our border patrol agents do not have the tools or funding they need to secure our borders.” Stated by  “Fentanyl is a potent synthetic opioid drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration for use as an analgesic (pain relief) and anesthetic. It is approximately 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin as an analgesic.”

For readers who might not know what fentanyl is, it is a highly effective painkiller, mostly used in surgeries and for prescriptions, that has unfortunately been used for non medical purposes by many drug addicted people out there due to how cheap and accessible it is. 

I personally believe that after almost having 317.5 million lethal doses of fentanyl smuggled into our country we need to do something about it.