Fire Alarm Goes Off Unexpectedly at Cavelero Mid High

Lilly Dillon

Fire truck outside of Cavelero Mid High School (Photo Credits Lilly Dillion)

Camille Beeler and Lilly Dillon

On May 25th, at about 11:25 AM, the fire alarm went off in Cavelero Mid High. There was no plan for a fire drill on this day, which caused teachers and students to be worried. 

A scary and unpredictable occurrence, students filed out of the school quickly with teachers’ direction. Everyone in Cavelero was filled with a ton of different feelings and thoughts, but the common thing among all the teachers and students was the feeling of confusion. Eighth-grade student, Benjamin Seboe, was among the confused students. “I was in manufacturing working on a stool…and I thought somebody had burned something, there’s a lot of sanding so somebody can accidentally burn what they are sanding”. Another student comments on the rumors being spread around the school. Ninth grader, Sofie Mitchell, says “There’s a lot of rumors beforehand that somebody pulled the fire alarm”. Thankfully, none of those rumors are true because pulling a fire alarm without a real emergency is illegal and dangerous. 

This incident happened during the middle of A lunch, although there were a lot of rumors going around, it was later revealed that someone in Mrs. Coulumbe’s room burnt their food, in her microwave, which emitted smoke into the classroom and North East wing. All evidence points to a burrito wrapped in tin foil being the culprit, or at least some kind of metal in the microwave. Many students, including the ones in Mrs. Coulumbe’s fourth-period class, don’t know the real story. Ninth grader, Jack Thompson, says “All I know was that it was my class, that’s it”. Mrs. Coulumbe’s class had a substitute, so Mrs. Coulumbe has a fun surprise to come back to. Mrs. Coulumbe’s fourth, fifth, and sixth period spent their class period in the auditory gym.

The microwave in Mrs. Coulumbe’s classroom (Photo creds Tristan Grace)
Students outside on football field during fire drill (Photo Credits Lilly Dillion)

As nerve-racking and chaotic as the whole ordeal was, the admin, principal, and teachers kept the peace. They created a completely new schedule to fit the day, extended lunches so everyone still got to eat, and calmed everyone down. Dr. Sellers released an email explaining how “the evacuation was done out of an abundance of caution after food in a microwave began to emit smoke throughout a wing of the building. Mr. Hasagawa also comments about how he “debriefed [his] team”. Administrators and all the staff handled the situation quickly, with the student’s best interest in mind. 

Thankfully, with all the fire safety instructions the student body has been taught, we knew what to do. Remember “Stop, drop, and roll” in case of another burnt burrito.