Jobs For Teens

Aden Cox, Journalist

In this world, nothing comes for free especially if you’re a teenager. If you’re like me, there’s many things that you want, whether it’s a car, that one video game you’ve been eyeballing, a new hoodie, etc. In this article I hope to give you some help on your journey to making money as a teen and becoming a young adult.

Step one-Income

In order to make money, you’ll need a job, normally one with a steady income, such as something simple like something like a job at your local corner store or fast food restaurant. If you’re not at the legal working age of 16, you’re mainly going to be doing more menial, simple jobs, whether it’s mowing people’s lawns, watching people’s pets while they’re out of town (which is where my main income was from growing up), babysitting, house sitting, and much more.

Step two-persistence

When it comes to jobs, labor, employees, product, stock, and etc, you must be persistent. Without persistence, you will crumble. Whether it’s showing up to work on time, thinking ahead and planning out whatever it is you might be doing earlier in order to be prepared, or working your shifts, you must be a good employee. For example, every company has a mission; companies offer a service or product for a fee, whether this is a car, boat, a meal, labor, and etc, but with that service comes labor in itself. Think about a car, someone has to design it, get it approved, build it, ship it, and sell it. No one wants to wait at a window for more than 3 minutes for their food, no one wants a stockbroker who can’t make them money, no one wants a landscaper who can’t do their lawn in time, and no one wants someone who’s not persistent! Like I have already stated “Without persistence, you will crumble”, but to put it short and sweet “unemployed”

Step three-Advertising

Whether you’re putting a sign up in your front yard, going door to door offering your services, or handing out business cards, you’re going to need customers. Normally if you’re working at a restaurant, a drive in, or a grocery store these methods won’t be applicable to you and you won’t have to worry about advertising since you’re not going to be self employed. Main point being how can you offer a service to your “customers”, but not have a consumer? Which is why you must have them.

There is nothing more to it than you having something that someone wants that takes time out of your day in which makes you profit. Typically, what most people our age struggle with the most is not trying, not finding a source of income, not being persistent with their consumers, and not having a consumer. If you have something someone wants, then more than likely this will lead to a trade, in which that trade contains your product, for their cash.