Megan Is the funniest horror movie

Addison Bowen, Journalist

Megan is the newest horror/comedy movie to hit the big screens. Megan is about a young girl named Cady living with her aunt while mourning the death of her parents. Her aunt, Gemma, works for a high tech toy making company where she designs robotic toys. Gemma has been secretly working on a special life size robotic doll called Megan who is meant to act as a bonus parent/ friend for your child. When Gemma suddenly has to take care of her niece, she works extra hard to make Megan perfect so the doll can watch Cady, keep her safe, and help her deal with her parent’s death. Megan ends up getting a bit too protective and goes rogue protecting Cady from everything, which of course presents some problems and gruesome scenes.

This film is hilarious. It is being advertised as horror but it can barely be described as scary. Megan is simultaneously the goofiest and most brutal villain. Megan is programmed to protect Cady at all costs, this of course leads to some interesting and entertaining situations. Such as when she sings Titanium as a lullaby to help Cady sleep. Megan Is fully aware of how ridiculous its premise is, and completely embraces it while also leaning in a bit to the creepy parts of having an uncanny almost human robot. Megan almost looks like a person, there’s just something off about her that creeps viewers out. She’s so close to just being a person but you can tell she’s not which is how she slips creepily into the uncanny valley. This amplifies the creepy scenes and makes the humorous ones all the more funny. The film makes more gory scenes incredibly funny by simply leaning in to how insane they are, such as when Megan awkwardly dances in an office building hallway before she stabs two men with a paper trimmer blade. The balance works impeccably.

The idea of a robot that’s meant to look and act like a nine year old girl is a bit creepy on its own, but giving her the ability to run at superhuman speed and the strength and will to pull off a twelve year old’s ear is much creepier. Megan is creepy enough when she’s simply sitting at the dinner table with Cady and Gemma. She speaks to Gemma in this slow sing songy voice that’s vaguely threatening and sends chills down your spine.

This movie was a blast to watch. It had me practically crying laughing multiple times then later I was on the edge of my seat in anticipation and fear. Megan Is one of the most entertaining movies I’ve ever seen; the film doesn’t take itself too seriously and it works perfectly in its favor. You’re able to laugh at the ridiculous things this  uncanny valley robot girl does while she’s quite literally murdering people. Megan Is absolutely on Its way to becoming a classic and Is simply a phenomenal film that can not be recommended enough. 

(Blumhouse productions)