The New Heart Wrenching Album “Superache” Release by Conan Gray

The New Heart Wrenching Album “Superache” Release by Conan Gray

Autumn Cumle, Journalist

Conan Gray is an American songwriter and singer that went through many series of childhood trauma and heartbreak. His biggest inspiration growing up was Taylor Swift saying that “he was raised by her,” and that he is the biggest “Swiftie” out there, “ I love her so much. I love her music. I love what she does.”  Recently, Conan Gray dropped Superache, another heart shattering album. Superache has already debuted at number nine on the US Billboard 200, and lasted about 12 weeks on the chart. 

Conan Gray – photo credits spotify

About Superache

Superache is the second studio album that Conan Gray has made, released on June 24th, 2022. It’s a follow up to Conan Gray’s album Kid Krow(2020). It reaches the topics of heartbreak, abuse, friendship,love and childhood trauma, what Conan Gray has experienced when growing up. Conan Gray mentions when talking to Rolling Stone,  “A superache is something that hurts you so much, it lingers with you for years after. It’s something that can only be healed through years of dramatic mourning, self-sabotage, songwriting, crying to your friends. It’s a superache.” He has also said during an interview with NME, “ Some days I’m very, very happy and I want to sing about daydreaming about an alternate reality where I can just find some stranger and move to a different country with them. Other days, I am barely capable of leaving my bed. That’s what the album is gonna be like, similar to Kid Krow. I think people can expect the full range of human emotion out of me. I don’t think I could control myself enough to not give people that.” 

“Writer’s” opinion on Superache

Arguably, Superache is one of the best albums to come out this year. Conan Gray has really shown how much he has grown as a singer and songwriter. He allowed himself to aspire compositions in Superache and made a more mature but sadder verison of Kid Crow, another one of his albums. The lyricism was phenomenal and filled me in with so many different emotions. “Aren’t you way too busy taking care of everybody to take care of yourself?” got to me the most in the song Summer Child.  I instantly fell in love with every song that I listened to because of how deep and relatable the lyrics were, and how amazing Conan Gray’s vocals sounded throughout every song. My favorite tracks off Superache are definitely Summerchild, Family Line, and Footnote. Summer Child is one of the songs I relate to the most because it “showcases someone who can see the positives in everyone, and will give everything they have for everyone else, not leaving much for themselves,” Genius described.  Footnotes are tiny annotations that are usually found at the bottom of a page. They’re not the main part of the text, meaning  not as important. That’s what the song Footnote is about, comparing yourself and recognizing the little importance you have in someone’s life. Family line was probably one of the deepest songs on the album. It’s about Conan Gray’s relationship with his parents and how it was with them during his childhood. The pain that his parents passed down to Conan Gray and the trauma they caused him to have. Conan Gray has said in an interview with Paper Magazine “The very fact that it’s uncomfortable for me to talk about it is the reason I have to talk about it… It’s better to feel something than to just live your whole life hiding from feeling anything.”