Everything Wrong With The New Marilyn Monroe Film “Blonde”

Autumn Cumle, Journalist

As of recently, there has been a huge scandal with the new movie “Blonde.” The film is about Marilyn Monroe, but it’s a fictionalized version of her life and journey through a series of abusive relationships. Marilyn Monroe is one of the world’s most long lasting icon figures. Shes remembered for her winsome embodiment of the hollywood sex symbol. Marilyn Monroe is a very talented woman, and she can do so many things such as sing, model, and act. A lot of people have been getting upset with the fact that the film is fictionalized. Andrew Dominik, director of Blonde, basically exploits and objectifies Marilyn Monroe and her image without a care.

Actress Ana de Armas playing Marilyn Monroe in the film “Blonde” photo credits Netflix


There are three major reasons why everyone is criticizing the film. One of the biggest reasons is because it’s fictional. They entirely doubled down on a false narrative about her life instead of showing the truth about it and actually doing anything impactful. What’s the point of making up stories and lies in someone’s life? She simply didn’t want to be seen as a joke, but that’s exactly what happened. In the beginning of the film, it shows a very horrifying scene of her mother, Gladys Pearl Baker, attempting to drown Marilyn Monroe in steaming hot water. But there was no evidence to prove that this ever actually happened. During the film they added many unnecessary and disgusting scenes, especially the large amount of sexual assaults added in. Another huge reason why the film is getting hated on. The one with Marilyn Monroe and U.S president JFK was my breaking point. The final reason is that the whole film tarnishes the name of Marilyn Monroe. When watching, it only focused on her struggles rather than any of her accomplishments in her short life span. Marilyn Monroe was shown crying and screaming throughout the whole film. As of currently, the film now has a 2.4 star rating with a great deal of negative reviews from critics.

Photo credits Netflix

The whole film made me very uncomfortable and disgusted. There were many times where I had to pause and take in on what I just watched. I feel as if I just wasted three hours out of my day to watch something with such poor pacing and sloppy dialogue. The film was also very confusing. It kept cutting to different scenes almost every minute and it was just hard to follow up on. If I could give this film zero stars, I wouldn’t hesitate.

In response to widespread criticism of the film, director Andrew Dominick said that. If the audience doesn’t like it, that’s the ******* audience’s problem.” He is completely disregarding what people have to say and how this may affect some people. Even how this will affect Marilyn Monroe’s herself. Andrew has also stated “It’s an NC-17 movie about Marilyn Monroe, it’s kind of what you want, right?” No, I don’t think that’s what we wanted at all. We wanted something that would tell the story of Marilyn Monroe, rather than having a film that completely disrespects her and her name and perpetuates lies and rumors.